Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bad Mommy

I have definitely been a bad mommy today and totally deserve a time out... preferably at a spa somewhere with lots of books and really good music.

Here are some bad mommy examples from today:

  1. I had a bunch of odd jobs/paperwork/phone calls to attend to today, so I found myself keeping the t.v. on for the kids for most of the morning. This is a Catch22 though, because although they are quiet during the programs, they are usually more naughty and unruly after watching a lot of television. So, I am able to get things done, but suffer the punishment later. Too much t.v. = Bad Mommy
  2. Miss A was exceptionally naughty today and finally ended up with a spanking. Now, I know there are different beliefs on this and I don't want to offend anyone. Believe me, my spankings are more for getting the point across and not for pain. After Miss A received the "Spank," she promptly told me, "... but I have such a CUTE bum-bum." And I, of course, told her that a cute bum-bum does not always let us get away with things. Not always. Spanking a cute bum-bum= Bad Mommy
  3. One final example of many bad mommy moments is when I was sitting on the edge of the tub while gently coaching Miss A to just let the poopies come out when El Destructo lives up to his nickname and rushes into the bathroom and throws his squishy ball in the toilet, knowing full well that squishy balls do not go in the toilet. So, being the bad mommy that I was today... I just flushed it! I said, "That's what happens when things go in the toilet." Now, I know they will be traumatized for years because I distinctly remember my dad flushing (accidentally?) one of my dollies down the toilet when I was 2 years old. Flushing Squishy Balls down the toilet= Bad Mommy

I should just start saving up for their therapy bills now.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

One of My...

...Favorite Days Ever.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mama had a Night Out

Woohoo! Just got home from a much needed night out with my friend, Sabrina. I have been stuck in a rut and a little (a lot) antsy being at home all day with two toddlers and no car, so after looking at good books and mindless magazines at Barnes and Noble, I really started to loosen up a bit. I know, I am a party animal, right? That Toffee Latte really put me over the top! Then, spontaneously, we decided to stalk our friend, Ally, and followed her to see the movie, Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan (of The Dark Knight fame). It was an amazing movie and I want to see it again already and I usually don't like to see movies more than once unless they are something special. I highly recommend it. It is a bit of a mind bender, so be prepared. I suggest having a Toffee Latte right before you go. Side note: is it just me, or does Leonardo DiCaprio not really age? What is he, like 60 by now?

Nighty Night!

(P.S. I just checked and Leo is actually 35. Good to know.)

Back to Blogging

I've decided to try to get back to this blogging business. No pressure, just a place to express myself and show little slices of my life. Here are some things going on in my life right now:

  • We are in the midst of deciding whether or not to buy a house. We have rented since we were married 6 years ago and might be ready to take the plunge.

  • El Destructo is turning 2 in 2 days!!! My baby boy is not a such a baby anymore. We are having an UglyDoll party for him on Saturday. I will post pictures of this next week.

  • Miss A is just as wonderful and complicated as ever. She is a good helper to mommy but sometimes tries to "mother" her brother a bit too much.

  • I am thinking about joining this E-Mealz program to help me plan meals and save money. Has anyone one out there done this before?

  • I have sleep issues, plain and simple, and am working on fixing that.

  • We have watched way too much t.v. today. But we did take a nice walk.

I'm sure there is much more to say, but we'll start there. More to come soon...